Monday, August 21, 2006

A prudent warning from lefty's: Don't take the government trains...

Or so says the AWBC (A World Beyond Capitalism) website. For their 2006 conference, they had this travel tip for those who wished to make the conference:

A World Beyond Capitalism Conference 2006! No charge for anything.


Important: We do not recommend that you use Amtrak train service for travel to Portland unless you like taking risks, as Amtrak has considered filing for bankruptcy several times. The train has become one of the most unreliable forms of transportation to Portland in recent years. Several confirmed nationwide reports cite that Amtrak's Coast Starlight train, which services Portland, has Amtrak's largest number of late trains. We mean late as in days late and/or abrupt cancellations which has caused some people to lose their room reservations. More than one conference volunteer has experienced trouble with train service, including having to stand the entire train ride, missed connections and much worse.

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