Monday, August 14, 2006

If this is ravaged, I'd hate to see savaged!

I'm not sure whether the pictures don't justify the extent of the damage, or the headline is a complete lie.

For a RAGAVED skate park, they show about eight pictures, almost all of which are extreme closeups of graffiti, most of which appears on a single port-a-potty. In fact, two pictures are of the same port-a-potty, slightly different angle. One picture is of some graffiti so faint, you're not sure if it's even recent.

And frankly, I'm shocked...SHOCKED that graffiti would appear at a place frequented by skateboarders.

Below, see the ravaged skate park and and recoil at the dommages étendus!

In the unintentionally funny story, we're told how the vandals even left a broken bicycle at the park. Bicycles are ILLEGAL at the park!

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