Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Biodiesel? Not if it freezes!

I had read that colder temperatures caused problems for biodiesel cars. Freezing causes the alternative fuel to 'gel' up. This guy learned that little lesson. Thankfully, he had some good old-fashioned non-alternative diesel to buy:

Billy Amon lugs several gallons of diesel fuel for his bio-diesel car back to his home. Amon had tried to take a bus, but was denied because of the fuel he carried. His car won't operate in freezing temperatures with out the diesel.

1 comment:

Billy said...

I'm famous! The cold snap came quickly. Important lesson learned: If the temperature is going to drop near freezing (I'd say under 40 to be safe), mix some diesel in there. It's been under 40 for quite a while here in Seattle, so I've now been running about a 55-45 mix of biodiesel-diesel. My little old Golf diesel is now running again. :)