As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.I have a new law which is similar and seems just as sound:
The more heated a discussion about the disparities of wealth distribution, the probability of the description "apartheid" being applied approaches one.
Had to get it out there before someone else noticed.
I already had you bookmarked to read. I will look for Paul's law in future. I am guessing you are "Guilty, as charged" for introducing me to Godwin's law too: Godwin convergence|12.5.09 @ 12:39PM|#
You know, Hitler captivates and infuriates people today too.
If ignorance was corn flakes, you would be General Mills.
What's the point of this place?
What year is this?
Why is this blog still here?
Why does its owner still link to it?
Why am I asking you?
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